
A modal is a message box that is displayed on top of your screen. Modals put an overlay on the screen therefore, they take visual precedence over all the other elements.
To use the modal, you need to copy & paste the below code

<div class="modal flex-column">
 <div class="modal-header flex-row">
 <h3 class="modal-heading">Modal Heading</h3>
 <button class="dismiss-btn">x</button>
 <p class="para-m modal-para">This is the description
of why we have prompted a modal.
It could be things like "All your changes will be lost",
 "You're about to log out"</p>
<div class="btns flex-row">
<button class="btn prim-acc-btn">Discard</button>
<button class="btn prim-btn">Save Changes</button>