
The component library uses Open Sans as it's primary font.


There are inbuilt defined styles for all headings, one need only use the appropriate tags.

<h1>The Renaissance</h1>

H1: The Renaissance

H2: The Renaissance

H3: The Renaissance

H4: The Renaissance

H5: The Renaissance


There are three size variants for the paragraph tag, you need to add the class "para-" followed by the letter "l","m","s" for large, medium and small respectively.

<p class="para-l">
The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century</p>
                            <p class="para-m">
The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century</p>
                            <p class="para-s">
The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century</p>

Large: The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century

Medium: The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century

Small: The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century

Center Text

If you want to center your text, you need only use "text-center" class.

<p class="para-m text-center">
This is a medium paragraph text in the center</p>

This is a medium paragraph text in the center

Gray Text

For places, where black just wouldn't do the thing you desire, the component library also offers "gray text". To enable it, you need to add the class "text-gray" to any text containing tag.

<p class="para-l text-gray">
The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century</p>
                            <h3 class="text-gray">The Renaissance</h3>

Medium: The Renaissance Began in the 14th Century

H3: The Renaissance